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Protecting Ward 8 Contractors & Ensuring Fair Opportunities

For too long, large developers and foreign contractors have taken on projects in Ward 8 while local contractors and small businesses are left out of the bidding process. This limits economic opportunities for our community and prevents Ward 8 businesses from thriving.


As your next Ward 8 Councilmember, I will introduce The Ward 8 Local Contractors Initiative, which will:


✅ Require developers to prove that Ward 8 contractors have been given a fair chance to bid on all projects.

✅ Prioritize local hiring by ensuring that a percentage of contracts go to Ward 8-based businesses.

✅ Create more transparency in the request-for-proposal (RFP) process to prevent outside contractors from bypassing local competition.

✅ Support small contractors with access to funding, training, and resources to compete in larger development projects.


Ward 8 talent and businesses deserve a seat at the table. I will fight to make sure our local contractors get the opportunities they’ve earned, keeping jobs, wealth, and growth in OUR community.

Friends to Elect Lawrence Grayson
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